(A) Jamur Hybrid Grass (Per Square Foot)


$5.50 per s.f.


One of the most popular lawn grass on the island today. Word is getting around of the beauty and the hartyness of this grass. It not only grows well in full sun areas, but it also thrives under trees and other shady areas. This is a really great all rounder grass.

Delivery Available:

100 S.F and under – $50

100 S.F – 500 S.F   – $100


Lawn Installation Available:

Phase 1 Earth Works –  If the site has not already been graded and smoothed and sanded this phase will need to be professionally done prior to the delivery and installation of sod.

We provide site preparation service

cost: $2 per S.F (materials not included)


Phase 2 – Grass Installation

Once the site area has been prepared we can install your grass of choice as instant lawn at $1.75 per square foot.


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